Spartan Code


We empower you to realize your full potential

  • done

    We empower you to achieve your goals!

  • done

    We connect the system components.

  • done

    We streamline our responses to challenges for efficiency.


  • done

    We model the best process and software solution for your business needs.

  • done

    We provide tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements.

  • done

    We drive you to achieve organizational and business goals.

Spartan code


With over 30 years of experience behind us

We have created a low-coding platform that allows everyone to:

  • create their own complex information system,
  • for their own business problems and challenges,
  • all with a short turnaround time.
Spartan Code
  • cloud_done Convert a private or public cloud or on-premise solution into portable source code
  • speed Fast implementation and easy integration into existing systems
  • laptop_mac Unique user experience for customers and employees
  • insights Software as a Service (SaaS) and Pay as you go
  • psychology Integrated artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain

Our Team

Building the systems of the future for our customers today

For almost two decades, our team of dedicated professionals has collaborated to deliver unparalleled service to our customers at every stage of the process, from evaluation to implementation. Our innovative and supportive workplace culture is a magnet for like-minded individuals seeking to join our thriving community.

Complex service


Consultancy, Project management

Assessing, optimizing and project managing customers' processes


IT Development

The development of the established Platform framework and individual demands


Solution Architect

Design and implemention of the systems to meet the needs of clients, as assessed by consultants



Planning, implemention and support the installation of the completed systems with DovOps knowledge

Who we are? - What you can expect from us


30 years of developing complex data-based systems in Europe and the USA



Interconnected, data-driven information management solutions at national and even global level, for both corporate and governmental environments.



>2 000 000 active and satisfied users from around the world



100% security - Zero security incidents in the last 20 years. NATO military AQAP and ETBT certifications.



In doing so, we endeavor to provide the utmost in expertise. Our organization maintains an integrated management system (ISO, AQAP).



Flexible scalability for the future - The amount of financial support awarded through our system : 203.728.477.750 USD


Industry solutions

Spartan Code

Our specialized business solutions assist in realizing your objectives.

  • save

    We oversee the operation to ensure proper control. Our role is to inspire the digitalization of government, empowering citizens to become modern service providers.

  • business

    We improve companies' ability to implement strategy. We adapt flexibly to individual needs.

  • store
    Small and medium companies

    Our solutions effectively improve productivity and profitability.

  • auto_awesome
    Non profit

    We help you achieve the highest level of operational efficiency. We ensure transparent and prudent operations.


During implementation, we tailor the solution to best fit our customers' requirements.

  • webhook

    Custom developments

    We customize systems based on the unique requirements of our clients.

  • layers

    Software products

    Our software solutions are ready for use almost immediately after minor customization.

    doneDisaster Management
    doneProject and Portfolio Management
    doneFund and Grant Management
    doneDocument Management
Spartan Code

What we are proud in

Spartan Code

We make it easier for organisations to operate by simplifying IT developments and making them more cost-effective. This is of course important, but we are most proud of the fact that users and administrators love and appreciate the IT systems implemented under the LOWCONO Platform. That's why we work every day!

We have created one of Hungary's most significant it solutions

National Development Agency, Prime Minister's Office: establishment, further development and operation of the Unified Monitoring Information System, EMIR, provision of consultancy and training services for the efficient use of funds from the European Union and other international funds.

  • Operation: continuously for more than 20 years
  • Complexity:
    • 657,736 number of applications submitted,
    • Value of applications - 115 billion USD
    • Value of payments - 63 billion USD


  • Új Világ Nonprofit Szolgáltató KFT

    Új Világ Nonprofit Szolgáltató KFT

    „development of FAIR Satellite subsystem”.

  • Hungary Helps Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt.

    Hungary Helps Nonprofit Agency

    Development of an intended process management system to help manage agency grands.

  • Békés Drén Környezetvédelmi, Víz- és Mélyépítési Kft.

    Békés Drén Környezetvédelmi, Víz- és Mélyépítési Kft.

    Development on an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system

  • Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat

    Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat

    Development of a system and application that supports the administration of vehicle pick-up and drop-off and establishing contact between colleagues.

  • Baptista Szeretetszolgálat

    Hungarian Baptist Aid

    creation of „Baptist data warehouse” IT system

  • Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ

    Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ

    Development of a national screening system.

  • Országos Foglalkoztatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.

    Országos Foglalkoztatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.

    Development of the Virtual Labor Market Portal (VMP) for the implementation of the priority project „Encouraging corporate responsibility and job search”.

  • Honvédelmi Minisztérium Elektronikai, Logisztikai és Vagyonkezelő Zrt.

    Ministry of Defence Electronical, Logistics and Asset Manager

    Development and installation of the Defence and Procurement Agency for Military technology.

  • Magyar Agrár-, Élelmiszergazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Kamara

    Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, Food and Rural development

    Transferring the vocational training electronic registration system to a new platform.





Creation of a unified information system (UMIS) managing the use of subsidies from the EU Structural Founds and Cohesion Funds.


Implementation of the management information system (MIS) for managing the workflows, documents and aid data of the EU pre-accession founds (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, IPA).


United States Agency for International Development

end-to-end integrated information system, including management of funds, grants and procurement.


North Carolina Baptists Mission

disaster recovery and reconstruction management system

Social responsibility

It is important for us, that the operating profit would not only be utilized by the owner, but the company should be involved in serious, socially useful projects. Our most important activities are the support of Tábitha Children Hospice House in Törökbálint.

Tábitha Ház


Headquarters: Hungary 1111 Budapest, Budafoki road 59.

Office: Hungary 1117 Budapest, Hauszmann Alajos street 3/b.